Saturday, July 16, 2011

I SEE THE LIGHT: lamp & lamp shade redo

A few weeks ago I bought a very heavy, metal lamp at a garage sale for $5 (I used its purchase to bargain with the seller to get two awesome tables for cheap - more to come on that later)! It was in perfect condition and was probably quite expensive back in it's day.  I really did want it, to redo, but always knew that if I ended up not liking it, it could always be used as a weapon - yes, it's that heavy.
The lamp before (pardon Olive in the background). 

What you need:
Lamp, Lampshade, Sandpaper, Primer & (spray) Paint, Fabric (optional ribbon)
Plus Fabric Scissors & Glue Gun
Step 1 - Sand (to better adhere) & Prime the lamp. 
Step 2 - (as shown) Spray paint the lamp your desired color. I chose a basic black. It took about 2 coats.

Yes, it's literally that simple.  I now have a beautiful lamp....except one thing....
Look at that lampshade.  Eek.  
Next Project - New Lamp Shade. 
Well, since I'm super cheap frugal and couldn't find the correct size drum lamp shade at my local Walmart or Target store, I decided that I could easily make one update one. 
Step 1 - I purchased a $2 - 1970's lampshade at my local Goodwill. 
The cover was so old that it easily peeled off.  Otherwise you can create a template on trace paper or do as I was going to do and just "wing it!" :)
I took the shade cover off and cut it open.
Then I set the original cover on top of my fabric & cut the same shape/size
Step 2 - I started gluing the fabric to the lamp shade.  
I started at the outside top, but think it would be better to start on the inside top and wrap it around.
I did this all the way around the lampshade.
Step 3 & 4 - I glued the inside edges, beginning with the bottom (since I had already glued the outside top), then I glued the top inside.
Step 5 - Trim the unwanted fabric.
And.... Voila..... (it's hard to see, but I went around the outside top with ribbon, this is optional)
Total Cost: 
$5 for lamp at Yard Sale
$2 for lamp shade at Goodwill
$6 for primer and spray paint (but you will have it left over for another craft - yippee)
$4 for fabric on sale at Hobby Lobby (I bought extra, again for another project)
$17 - if you have to buy everything.  This is less than one lampshade! Awesome!